Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Manifesto – Part 7

We aren’t looking for everyone, we are looking for those highly motivated people who want to not just be a part of something great but be a great part of something worthwhile. The rest of the population is free to continue doing whatever they choose to do without any judgment from me. Great leaders don’t try to please everyone. Great leaders don’t water down the message in order to enlarge their fortunes or power. They realize that leading a passionate tribe of warriors is far more powerful than a large group without fire. “I would rather run with a hundred than drag ten thousand.” And I would rather lead a group of sheep in lions clothing than a bunch of lions in sheep’s clothing.....

We are not most people! Most people work hard to fake people out. Most people aren’t willing to lead. Most people are afraid. Most people would like for the world to stay just as it is. Most people are more committed to preserving what they have than they are in growing and multiplying what they have been blessed with. We can worry about most people all the time but they are not worried about us. They are more concerned about themselves and how the world views them. They won’t hear you no matter how loud you yell. Some of these people will work hard to denounce you and assassinate your reputation for the sake of holding on and preserving their own false sense of power and control. Regardless of what they do or don’t do we will love them unconditionally, extend full grace and pray they find a path that leads to peace and prosperity. This is the covenant for which I stand. ....

We all have the ability to lead this change and help this hurting world. We need to go deep with the people in our lives and pull out of them the passions that have been buried for so long. Do not underestimate the power of one. Christ, Gandhi, Mandela, King, Jobs, Gates Puryear and Britt have all answered their callings. They simply stood up and said follow me! One person can change history, one person can change an industry, one person can change a culture, one person can declare war, and one person like you can reinvent your life and the lives of thousands. The only thing most people lack is faith. Faith that you can do it, faith that it’s worth it, faith that failure won’t destroy you and faith that together we can live our dreams. ....

We will develop new techniques, strategies and technologies from the communal minds of many. I believe that creativity is derived from the masses that are in the early stages of their business, out in the daily grind and facing the reality of our issues. I also believe that discernment comes from those that have succeeded at a very high level and have obtained the wisdom through decades of trial and error. We will develop a safe and respectful environment where these two groups can communicate and share in experiences that will help us all generate our new future. ....

I believe that growth and change must be linked together in order to shatter old habits and rules thus cutting us loose to reinvent an industry that has been too afraid to change for a very long time. This will require great courage because we will have to overcome the resistance of people we love and trust. My confidence and faith does not come because I know something that others do not but it comes from drawing a line from the past to the present and merely extending that into the future. This clearly shows us where we would go if we do not change and therefore strengthens my resolve and faith in the changes we are making. Pure faith is often underrated but clearly must be a companion in the heart of a leader. ....

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