Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Manifesto – Part 9....

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Although we are small, we are passionate. We will be noticed because we will stand out in a world of sleep walkers. Just a little bit of change and initiative can generate attention. What’s funny is that the organizations that need innovation the most are the ones that do the most to stop it from happening. I hope to create a vacuum that will call people to change and innovation. An environment that is both respectful and safe. Change will be our constant. ....

There is a small price to pay for changing too early but there is a huge price for changing too late. If you hear our ideas and don’t believe them, it’s ok, we are patient and understanding. If you attend our meetings and don’t leave more educated and inspired, it is our fault and we will change them. If we fail to enable and equip you to make money we will work even harder for you because this is our covenant. It would be very easy to blame “YOU” when you don’t grow or make the money you desired when you got involved. It is easy to say you didn’t try hard enough, or you didn’t pay attention and care enough about your dream to really make it happen. But we won’t! This isn’t helpful or kind and we refuse to make others the scapegoat for our lack of ability to reach you. I am dedicated to find the answers and provide an environment that truly equips and surrounds people with the knowledge and emotions that build your confidence and peaceful spirits. Caring is the key emotion at the center of our cause.....

I believe that leaders challenge the status quo. I believe it is our responsibility to create a culture around our passions and involve as many people as possible in this journey. I have found that leaders commit to a vision and make decisions based on that commitment. Once that commitment is made, a true leader connects other leaders to this vision. ....

I am called to help the silent victims of the world; the children that so few people stand up for. I am committed for the rest of my life to help as many of these children as possible. I am also committed to those that feel a calling in their life to do something significant. I will use my time, talent, testimony and resources to equip leaders to stand up and reach out. I am called to finish what I started nearly a quarter century ago. I will not set back and idly watch people struggle and fail in this business any longer. It is my calling to do everything I can to assist them. I am willing to risk favor and fortune to help my friends live their dreams and fulfill their deepest desires.....

Remarkable visions and genuine insight are always met with resistance. I am sure that as we begin to make progress we will be met with even stronger resistance. The forces of mediocrity will align to stop us, pointing out every error and doubting every claim of growth. But I will not back down nor lose heart. For my battle is not with them nor is my heart ill of their assaults. I am committed to peacefully move forward in the direction of love and prosperity. In a good way I am grateful for the resistance because without someone pushing against our quest it is unlikely to be worth the journey at all. If there is no resistance it would mean that we are so much alike and therefore no reason for any separation or change. I find great peace in the conflict! Part of leadership is the ability to stick with the dream for long enough that the critics begin to realize that you are going to get there one way or another. ....

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