Thursday, October 8, 2009

Be a king

Each year in either July or August I take my sons and a group of boys on a trip to the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. This is a group of boys that have had some struggles or lost their Daddys to tragedies. It is a trip I look forward to every year. We are in search of the elusive yet mighty Kenai King. Actually, we are there to have a great time, drink in the majesty of Alaska and help these boys heal. But the great treasure is to catch one these mighty 70 pound plus King salmon. The Kenai is the homeof the world record caught on a rod and reel at 97 1/4 pounds. It was landed near the mouth of this amazing river less than 20 years ago. The biologist say that the reason these salmon are so much bigger than any other salmon in the world is because they spend up to 7 years in the ocean as compared to 4 or 5 years like the typical salmon does. This would translate into more nets avoided, more whales and salmon sharks have either near missed or eaten one of their buddies, countless attacks, assaults and of course a lot more meals. To be the king of the species and the greatest they have had to endure a lot more life than all the others.

Sound familiar? We all have to be willing to endure the heat if we want to enjoy the warmth and light of the fire. All greatness had to go through similar tests in order to become a leader. The greater the challenges the greater the growth and opportunity to impact others. I am sure if you look in your history you will find that all of the significant people of your family tree had to go through tremendous amounts 0f adversity. Moses had to free the slaves and part the sea then spend 40 years in the desert. David had to slay the giant and then deal with massive grief as he wrote the psalms. Sampson had to topple buildings and deal with his shame and blindness. Daniel had to spend an entire night in a lions den. Nehemiah had to rebuild the walls of Jericho against all odds. The bible is full of great testimonies of struggle, defeat, failure and then a great rebirth of strength, compassion and impact. Hallelujah!!!

It doesn’t matter where you are right now. You and I have made mistakes! We may have failed a thousand times, but understand that it does not dictate your future nor does it change how God looks at you!! We are all programmed for greatness and victory. However, at the same time most of us have to go through multiple years of pain, struggle and growth in order to be prepared to lead. Rise up and claim what is yours. Repeat these words “I have what it takes, I am more than a conqueror, I am intelligent, I am talented, I am successful, I am attractive, I am an overcomer, I am worthy!!” doesn’t that feel good!! Its true and your spirit rejoices when it hears the truth!! You are an original, the only one of its kind. You are valuable and there is a great need for your story to be told! Only you can help certain people that are similar to you. If you don’t then who will. Please stand up and be counted. Heal and go become a healer! The universe is waiting for you to stand up and overcome so it can applaud your great comeback. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Take that first step by writing down a few things that you want to do to help others. Go ahead write them down and let those marinate in you spirit for a bit. Your thoughts are the seeds that become your words that ultimately lead to the actions that will change our life.

Say this “ I may have a lot to overcome, people may have tried to push me down, maybe I dint get the best breaks, I know I made a few bad decisions but that does not change who I am, I know I can fulfill my destiny”!! once again I am proud of you for saying these things out loud. We have all made mistakes, all we are charged with is the responsibility to learn from them. We may have to make the same mistake multiple times in order to really learn the lesson and how to avoid it. Just learn to humbly digest what you need to from these events but for Gods sake don’t walk around in fear or shame. Thank God he doesn’t keep an inventory! We all have things to overcome but when God is for us who can be against us??? God says he will bring you out with two times what you had before!!! Stop waiting for God and realize that maybe God is waiting for you! Your thoughts, words then actions are the key to getting up. You can do it! I can do it! We can do it!!

Pease feel free to comment hear and let me know how I can pray for you and add value to you!! We are family and family never gives up on each other! Remember, just like the Kenai King, the greater the adversity the greater one can become.

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