Wednesday, October 7, 2009


God etched in stone on Mt. Sinai the Ten Commandments so we would know his laws and therefore would have knowledge of what sin is, and drive home the reason for a savior. With out the law from God to Moses there would be no sin or knowledge of sin. Theses were not designed to make us Godly, they were made to expose our ungodliness and our desperate need of a savior. What has happened is the enemy has convinced so many to hold the law over our heads and make us feel constantly guilty and remind us of how unworthy we are. Many christians then literally arm the devil thorough this and drive us farther away and alienate us from our Lord and savior. But the truth is with Christ, and what he did for us on the cross, we have been redeemed from the curse of the law. We have been saved from this chronic outcome. Jesus has fulfilled the requirements of the law through his sacrifice on the cross. The moment you place the law of moses between you and God you are negating the finished work of jesus, for if righteousness could come through the law then Christ died in vain. The statement that" we have to keep the law to be blessed by God" is totally false. Or, the statement "Gods love in unconditional but his blessings are conditional" is also false. Salvation and righteousness is a gift not a reward for perfect obedience.
All of these false doctrines are what turns most people away. Many of us have hear "being a Christian is hard" . In actuality it depends on what law you embrace. Old testament or New testament. The law of Moses or the law of Jesus Christ. The authentic Christian life is actually a life of rest and peace. It is time we all stop trying to to earn our righteousness and just accept the gift. It is time to rest in the fact that you are forgiven for all past present and future sins in your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. God is not interested in mere obedience and submission. He is a God of love and all he wants is a deep loving relationship with us based on his eternal love.
Dont work to be blessed, work because you ARE already blessed. Gods way is to bless you first, and then the knowledge of his blessing gives you the power to really go for it in life.
I pray that we all find peace in knowing that we don't have to keep praying again and again for forgiveness because he has already forgiven us. PRAISE GOD AND NOW GO LIVE IN HIS AUTHENTIC LOVE AND PEACE FOREVER!!

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