Wednesday, October 7, 2009

One Door Closes, One Door Opens

A few years ago I was invited to attend a church ministry with the Goad family at the Monroe state prison. It was one of the most moving experiences of my life!! I remember entering the inner section of the prison to perform some music for the inmates. There was a series of doors that we had to go through in order to get into the music room. One door would open but the other would not open until the door behind me closed. As that door closed another door would open and we would proceed from chamber to chamber until we reached the appointed room. In a lot of ways life is like this, it operates in a very similar way as these rooms did. We have to let doors close behind us like disappointments, failures or successes in order for the next door to open. For some reason we all want to play God and keep every door open. Unfortunately this can be harmful or distracting to the new future that is about to unfold for us. We seem to think that if we keep the doors open we can go back and clean up some of the messes or drag our success into our next project. Clearly this is not possible and there is nothing we can do about our past but there is so much that we can do about our futures. Where we are going is way more significant than our past anyways. If we have the right attitude, we will give birth to more in the future than we have lost or achieved in the past. The wisdom and humility will guide you to much greater
success in your vocations, personal development and relationships. All too often we allow adversities, disappointments and setbacks to deter us and before long we are not moving forward at all. Ever thought about why your windshield is a hundred times bigger than your rear view mirror? Stir up the gifts in you. The seeds of greatness are in your thoughts! Let your seeds take root by talking about the things you want to do and the people you want to help. So many of you have encouraged me over the past few months as I have gone through the most painful chapter of my life. Your words and prayers have lifted me up. Please do the same for yourselves. Together we can all help to heal the hurting soul of the universe.
Be a victor not a victim. Let those doors close and don’t let them keep you in bondage. Your past does not predict your future, it simply prepares you for it. Its not how you start its how you finish! Remind yourself that God loves you no matter what and he wants you to live a life of celebration and victory. Learn to block out the
negative things you hear in your head. I had a so-called
mentor/friend tell me I would be cursed if I made certain decisions! That I would never rise above it and never see my dreams come to pass! This so called Christian clearly does not know the same God that I know! We need to learn how to separate ourselves from hurtful people or situations. They are not bad people they are just in a season of their life that causes them to act this way. Have grace towards all people! Don’t get angry, just learn to love them from a distance. Life is too short to be pulled down by negative, jealous, cynical people. Some may choose to abandon you based on events in our lives.
Love them anyways! People may hurt you and some will leave you but your destiny is not tied to the people who walk away from you. We need to listen to the quiet whisper that is urging us to get up and claim our life of excellence. Have you ever sat in a movie like Rocky or Rudy or Gladiator and seen them down on the ground, beaten, bloodied and near complete defeat? What did you say under your voice? What were you whispering? What did you feel your spirit urging them to do? GET UP! COME ON! YOU CAN DO IT! YOUR ALMOST THERE! DON’T QUIT NOW! Am I right? Yes of course I am! Well then can you imagine what our God that loves us with agape love is whispering in our ears. Not only is he encouraging us to get up but he is saying; I love you! You are forgiven, you are worthy, I am with you, lets do
this together!!!. Isn’t that amazing!!
Now go take the time to be still and listen to the quiet whisper and be encouraged by his unyielding love and grace.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!!! I'm left absolutely speachless by your thoughts!! You are the ultimate encourager! Your relationship with God is evident in your words! You speak the truth with humility, and for that I respect you!! Keep'em coming! That was inspiring!
