Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dont fear the unpardonable sin.

It seems that so many years of my life have been spent dodging fear and the consequences of living an imperfect life. My greatest fear was not the earthly punishments but the eternal price of making bad decisions or worse yet of having bad thoughts that might cost me my eternity. Nobody should have to live under this kind of fear and pressure. There is no joy in this life and certainly not the way God wants us to live. I really believe that this is why perhaps so many of you have avoided God and his word. I really don’t blame you if you think that a relationship with God includes such fear, pain and judgement. What I want you to know that this is simply not true and purely the teaching of people who use fear as a technique of strong influence and control. However in most of our cases it only pushes us farther away!!. I remember as a young Christian fearing that I had performed or thought the “unpardonable sin”. Blasphemy of the holy spirt. I thought that my thoughts of doubt or anger were interpreted as that, or that if I used the Lords name in vain or walked away for a season that I may be destined for Hell. My friends this simply is not true. Gods love and eternal life are about a relationship that once agreed upon can never be broken. Be in peace with this and never live in fear again. We all sin every day but our sins are not greater than Gods grace! I am convinced that beyond a shadow of a doubt that a Christian can not commit the unpardonable sin. It is only through a decision to continually reject the person of Christ that this could happen. And, even that is correctable with a simple prayer and confession of the Lord as your savior!!

There are so many leaders that love to keep people in fear in order to maintain control. The apostle Paul called them a “brood of vipers”. They were the pharisees that wanted to hang the law over every ones head instead to the finish law of grace in Jesus. They were losing control and the only way to maintain it was through confusing the word of God and using fear as a tool of manipulation. I have seen this so often today that it makes me ill to realize how long I bought into it and perhaps how many of you steered away from a relationship because of this painful teaching.

You would think that if the unpardonable sin was really possible that Paul, who wrote two thirds of the new testament, would have made if a focus point. But, in fact he never mentioned it in his writings.

When you hear teachings that put fear into our heart and place you under bondage you need to do some homework. Starting off with is it from the old or new testament? Then look it up in the proper context. Because if you get the wrong text you are only left with a con! Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. Not even sin, because his blood is greater than your sin. Knowing that ALL of your sins are forgiven is crucial for our health and peace of mind.

God does not keep an accounting of your failures so neither should you. Only the evil, you yourself, and the people around you will bring these things to your remembrance. Never forget the main clause of the new covenant, “he will merciful to your unrighteousness, your sins and your lawless deeds”.

1 comment:

  1. That was awesome Brad!! I totally agree! I believe we can't be Christ like, but we aren't meant to be. So long as we are in the pursuit of excellence that is the key. And isn't using God as a tool of manipulation a form of judgement? And who are we to judge, because your right we all sin.
    Corinthians 4:3-5
