Monday, October 19, 2009

Convert Your Energy

I recently was blessed with the opportunity to start my own little vineyard and wine business. It’s more of a hobby than anything else but I am really enjoying the opportunity to work with the earth and all its elements. To turn something that appeared to be unfertile, baron raw land and turn it into something as beautiful as a vineyard is truly an amazing experience and metaphor for life. When I first walked on the land I was struck by the incredible contrast. The land is bordered by a half mile of frontage on the mighty Columbia river. The landscape is etched by the finger of God with massive mountains and rock cliffs surrounding this epic valley that was a lake over a thousand years ago. Fossils can be found hundreds of feet up the canyon walls. It truly takes my breath away every time I step onto the grounds. However, the land itself seemed so void of life. There was nothing but sage brush, weeds, piles of rocks and old relics from the structures of the migrant Indians from over a hundred years ago. If you didn’t know better you would say that nothing could possibly grow here. The contrast of the living water and baron sage lands were breathtaking.

I find that there are so many similarities in our world that we participate in every day. The number of chronic drug addicts that live near the greatest hospitals in the world, the people that beg for money outside of banks and the homeless person that stands off a Microsoft freeway exit asking for a hand out.

One of the first things we had to do at the vineyard was to access the water resource from the ground and convert the energy from the earth into power to run our electrical needs. We have learned how to take a negative source like the cold from a well and turn it into a power source as it changes temperature. We have harnessed the power from one and turned it into another through geothermal dynamics.

I would like to ask you to do the same with your life. I would like you to take an inventory of all the things that are creating negative energy in your life and find a way to turn them into a positive resource that fuels your passions. If there is someone that is causing you emotional pain I would ask you to be still and pray for them. There is no way you can have negative emotions towards someone you are praying for. This will fuel your heart. If there are destructive habits in your life I would ask you to start speaking wellness and better decision making. Claim how great it feels to be an overcomer and a witness in life. Confess how great it feels to be living a testimony of grace and love. This will fuel your soul and set you free. You are converting the negative energy into a resource that is accelerating your life. Start calling a problem a challenge, a failure a source of wisdom and a seasonal cold into a warm (a positive cold). All things can be converted into a resource of energy. Energy is life, life is love and love is God. Everything works together for the greater good if you just convert your energy.

Life is a decision. We are all surrounded my epic beauty and devastating failure. We will all end up somewhere, the only question is where? You have everything to do with this destiny. Thoughts, words actions, habits, character, destiny, legacy!! Your life is yours for the making. Develop the mental discipline and muscle to convert your energy and turn everything into the resource of choice!!!!

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