Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dis Changes Everything

About a year ago I wrote a blog about how the word “dis” changes everything. It was a play off the statement that we use quite often when epic events happen in our lives. “this will change everything” Sometimes during our life events happen that change the course of our life. Then there are those things that change everything but nothing at all. “everything’s changed but nothings changed”....

Most of you know my life has just gone through one of those events. Some things change everything in a physical sense but nothing on an internal sense. It is very important to be able to separate the two. We may have a lot of changes on the outside but they don’t have to change what we believe at the core of who we are. Many people would like to say that when radical changes happen on the outside that they suddenly have a clear view of what’s going on in the inside. That the actions they have taken clearly point out what’s going on in the inside. I believe we should always remember that we cant judge a book by its cover or even the first few chapters. The events of a persons life may only be preparing them for what is to come. The past does not predict your future, like others would like to predict, it simply prepares you for it. Dis allows you to place distance between a stance! Time cures a lot of things. ....

I know that in my case my world was rocked and I had to really take some quiet time and get away from all the noise in order to hear the inner voice in me. What I learned was that it hadn’t changed at all. I still deeply yearn to add value to peoples lives, I am enriched by the opportunity to help heal those that have pain in their lives and that the faith I have in God, family and friends haven’t changed in the slightest. In fact they are deeper and stronger than ever before. A failed relationship does not make you a failure but it does make you more compassionate to the hurting people out there in this world. ....

If we aren’t careful these issues can really begin to affect our health. We can turn ease into disease if we aren’t careful. When we have peace in our hearts we radiate energy that is called resonance or charisma. But when we are not in peace it looks like we are unhappy and perhaps infected by a disease that people don’t want to be around. This would be called dissonance! Another dis that changes our lives. ....

I find it truly amazing that three letters can make so many positives into a negative. Respect to disrespect, courage to discourage, honor to dishonor, obey to disobey, ability to disability, engage to disengage. Is it really that simple that three letters, which are primarily controlled by our minds and the decisions we make, can change our lives forever? My studies over the past 60 days have revealed to me that clearly we are destined for greatness. But, we have to decide to fulfill Gods purpose for us. We have to have the courage to show up and be willing to do what ever it takes to fulfill this destiny. We have an appointment with significance, lets not make it a disappointment!! Cut dis out of your life if it’s a negative. Take off the cover and discover what God has in store for your. Find the courage to connect where you have disconnected.....

You have what it takes to make your desires come true. In the latin translation desire means “of the father”. This tells me that when we are in a quality state of mind that our desires came from God and that what he has placed on our hearts no one can ever erase. Listen to the quiet whisper and know that you are loved and that there is a great plan for your life. Start by listening, then praying, writing, speaking and ultimately taking action that will lead to your habits, character, and destiny. I am proud of you!....

Anybody got anymore dis’s you want to discharge!!:)....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brad! I really enjoyed reading this blog. Our construction of language can be very powerful. Some other 'dis' words could include 'disease' (dis-ease) or 'disorder' (dis-order). Use such words as labels can have a powerful pull on our views of self and world. Thank you for writing on this topic
